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Sandvik Coromant - 20 to 20.99mm Diam, 8xD, 171.11mm Max Depth, 25mm Shank Diam, 171.11mm Flute, 251mm OAL, Replaceable Tip Drill - 870-2090-20-PM Insert, 20 Seat Size, 870..L-8 Toolholder, Series CoroDrill 870 - Caliber Tooling

Sandvik Coromant - 20 to 20.99mm Diam, 8xD, 171.11mm Max Depth, 25mm Shank Diam, 171.11mm Flute, 251mm OAL, Replaceable Tip Drill - 870-2090-20-PM Insert, 20 Seat Size, 870..L-8 Toolholder, Series CoroDrill 870

Item #: 49531056
Brand: Sandvik Coromant
Model #: 6085551
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Product Specifications
Series CoroDrill 870
Minimum Drill Diameter (mm) 20.00
Minimum Drill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.7874
Maximum Drill Diameter (mm) 20.99
Maximum Drill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.8264
Drill Depth by Diameter Ratio 8xD
Maximum Drill Depth (Decimal Inch) 6.7366
Maximum Drill Depth (mm) 171.11
Shank Diameter (mm) 25.00
Shank Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.984252
Insert Style 870-2090-20-PM
Insert Seat Size 20
Toolholder Style 870..L-8
Through Coolant Through Coolant
Shank Type Cylindrical Shank
Tip Length (mm) 3.17
Tip Length (Decimal Inch) 0.1248
Flute Length (mm) 171.11
Flute Length (Decimal Inch) 6.7366
Body Length (mm) 174.00
Body Length (Decimal Inch) 6.8504
Overall Length (mm) 251.00
Overall Length (Decimal Inch) 9.8819
Toolholder Material Steel

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