HSK63F x ER40-90 w/ #46140 Nut - Collet Chuck
Item #: TE1230002
Manufacturer: Techniks
Mfg #: 30002
Technical Specifications:
*Brand Name: Techniks *Capacity: ER40 *Chuck Size: HSK63F *Collets Included: No *Coolant Supply: Coolant-thru with Coolant Pipe, sold separately *Head Length/Projection: 90mm *Model Number: 30002 *Mount: HSK63F *Nut Diameter: 2.48 *Overall Length: 8.09 *Size/Range: .086 - 1.024 *Spindle Interface: HSK63F *Weight: 2.95 lbs *Wrench Number: TE1204617
*Techniks Collet Chucks are balanced to 25,000 RPM at G2.5 tolerance *They are individually lab tested for accuracy and balance and come with their individual performance report *Techniks holders achieve 0.0001" or less T.I.R. as measured from the taper to the collet pocket *
Shipping Info:
*Actual Weight - 2.9500 *Dimensions - Height: 5.00 Length: 3.00 Width: 3.00
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